Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shingles On The Genital Areas

Behind a false law

V edendo the scarlet thread running as a dotted line in Israel's history, and actually build it through prostitution and holiness are not surprised to discover compassion, or rather a preference that manifest the Christ to these women from the costumes light, whose heart was not hardened by the goddess 'law', its priests and priestesses from assessments without flaw and without appeal.

"Yes, I tell you," she says, turning to the men and elders of the time: "The publicans and prostitutes will precede you into the kingdom of God" (Matthew 21, 31).

The latter in particular have been able to recognize in John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah announced by the Scriptures, but not men of the law that a new paradigm disturbed. They have in common with John the Baptist what they share with the Prophet, a certain madness, madness diverted from their status as "exile" in the raw madness of the cross already in the voice of the prophet. The one and the other of the two expressions of Eros brought down the ramparts of alienating security and open the heart to "everything possible" inhabited by God and then again today, who say "crazy" is often closer to the mystical Human good conscience or right-thinking and "thinking possessions" ( Hervé Bazin).

One of the first women in the Gospels is that Christ met the Samaritan woman (John 4, 7-26). It is not a prostitute by profession, but has had five husbands and the man with whom she now lives is not his, the precise Jesus totally outlawed, is the most Samaritan and, as such, despised by the elite of Israel . She, however, Jesus turns to ask her to drink, and she was astonished that a Jew has a similar gesture towards him, a strange man who reads a book open in her ...

Yes, Jesus sees in a certain sense of dependence on water in it, but also the deeper waters: breaks the law, sure, but it is faithful to that which is greater than the law, it is true to itself in the authenticity of 'eros so rarely shared and whose research source for Berva. Even Jesus is thirsty, asks her to drink, turn the woman's heart to the true source, the water will that he will become a spring welling up in her since denied eternal life. The woman is amazed. No doubt will follow.

The Samaritan woman is the sister of an adulterous woman that the scribes and Pharisees, led by Jesus to question him about the law that, in this circumstance, is required by stoning (John 8, 2-11). But what he thinks? Jesus, bending toward the ground, writes with his finger on the ground. This law required the Man terrestrial. Since they insist, Jesus got up, the man has verticalized perhaps another ethics?

"He who is without sin cast the first stone at her," she says.

And all retire. Jesus remained alone with the woman and she turns:

"Neither do I condemn you, go ', and from now on sin no more."

He, "without sin ", it is only mercy in respect of which she must have seen the most merciful of those men are completely foreign to their femininity ( Issah interior), they despise the woman and to debase it further, you hide behind the inviolable law.

( Annick de Souzenelle , The female being , Servitium, Sotto il Monte (BG) 2004, pp. 154-5)

Personal note:

Yes, is easier to think that somehow we all like the Samaritan woman, or adultery, rather than the scribes of Israel, that sinners in search of salvation (which, in other words, to say need to be true to themselves, to their authenticity). But we like to play the part of right-thinking (rather than the crazy), entrenched behind a law that saves even hypocritical consciences .... So falsely pacified, we are only prepared to judge, to condemn, to take distance from people and situations that seem to belong there.
seek to live in this world in search of true authenticity, which is not self-esteem as seem to indicate the most secular ways, psychological and vaguely spiritualizing. The real search is what drives us to meet the True, the Spirit who discovers any concealment, which unveils the hypocrisy of any law respectable.

Theses Statements For Abortion

Like a model ... sick!

I do not know when it happened, but at some point must burst BOOM absolute thinness.
she wins that you see more bones! What a dangerous game!
up here as you can see, I have compared two icons of fashion, elegance and beauty.
We Victoria Beckham, filiform English mother, famous for its collection of shoes and its crazy diets. In comparison, Kim Kardashian , Queen of form and sensuality.
A visibly Who inspires you more sex appeal? Who are the two most provocative?
And above all, the two who you think captures the eye of millions of men?
Beauty is not the same thinness .
can be beautiful with some kg too. The secret is firming, shaping and toning.
Obviously those who are really overweight diet should do it. And not just for a taste, but why .. Health is the first to suffer.
For all other I say ENOUGH!
Stop wanting, at all costs, looks like a cotton thread!
Love and look through different eyes.
Many of you are convinced that thinness is perfection because having seen on the catwalks, but you are wrong!
Fashion is not that the beauty and elegance. The fashion that only fashion.
When you watch a show you must take into consideration that these models are so skinny because they have "zero" behind clothes. Not because they are so beautiful.
Imagine Kim Kardashian withdraw ... What you might look to you? You or the dress?
I defy anyone to drop the suit in the second floor to comply with its soft curves, so firm and so perfect.
why the stylists are very thin women, not because they consider them to be perfect, but because they need so. It 's just a matter of work, not of taste.
Elegance is the choice of clothes, in preparation. The well-groomed hair, shiny, voluminous. The perfect skin. And as you have all these things unless you eat? If you do not nourish your hair, your nails and your skin?
When removing nutrients from the body, remove them in any detail. You
dull hair, gray skin and dry nails that break.
The body should be shaped, not killed.
How many girls in the flesh I know. Fine, sunny, cool. Who know how to dress and prepare as they dive .... and they are beautiful! WONDERFUL! To envy ...
And how many skinny girls, but I say, very thin, which can wear anything because "to them everything is fine" , but they look so off. I noticed that some hair is very thin and sparse. The hands often tremble and have the bone-dry lips.
make me so sad ... and I can not ever think that they are beautiful .
seem sick, weak, weak.
At first glance may give the impression to be sweet and romantic, do not really have the strength to even talk and make me so sad.
And you think a man is a woman so sexy?
Or, for him, it would be more erotic arms a real doll like Kim Kardashian?
to you the views on ...


(ps: on this day, since it's the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, will dedicate one of my photos, so you can see for yourself that not even I'm skinny:) girls a hug and good day)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dead Line For Finishing Usmle Steps A

But how do you wash your teeth?

Today, my dear girls, talk about the teeth and the proper way to wash them.
Many think that it is enough rub up and down a little here, a little there, rinse rinse, spit and that's it. Is not so simple.
Often, though many of us, wash your teeth 3 / 4 times a day, the bacteria remain comfortable in a minute space and the other ... and so form plaque, tartar and tooth decay! This is because, often, is chosen by more impôt the toothpaste that the brushing technique (which is fundamental ).

Let's see how this is the correct action of the toothbrush.
First, it is important to buy a good brush (always suggest to medium hardness), bristles with gradients of high and low (so as to clean each point).
The toothpaste is not important, the only advice is to buy brand name (AZ-Mentadent-oralb).

The tooth is formed by an outside, one inside and one higher. The
plate should be to accumulate in the collar of the teeth (where you touch the tooth and gum), in the spaces between the teeth (between teeth and another) and at the top of the tooth (where the bite occurs).
In the first case the brush roll should be done with light pressure (the movement must be given always and only from the wrist, not the whole arm). For the upper teeth from top to bottom. For the lower teeth from the bottom up. So to let out any "accumulation" from the collar between the tooth and gum.
Where does chewing, then over the tooth, you need to brush by going to the right and left, as in "want to make something out from inside the tooth" (or so Elementary). This is for the upper and lower teeth.
Finally, the floss ( often overlooked) is cleaned well between tooth and tooth. Move the thread back and forth between the two teeth and pull out.

More than toothpaste, mouthwash is doing a good job.
rinse the mouth with pure mouthwash for 30 seconds (without rinsing with water, then it makes no sense otherwise) for many hours you protect the health of your mouth.

Gargling (always with the mouthwash) will kill some germs that remain in the oral cavity, provide fresh breath and prevent inflammation of the throat.

brushed Good:)

Anyone Try Gerson Therapy

I lost weight the cat!

You will not believe but I managed to lose weight even my cat:)
ihihhihii (called MIA)
Poor thing! But it took a bit of diet ... weight was 8 kg and his breed should weigh a little over 4.
Anyway, I put on a diet and for 15 minutes a day I did it release the brake a little game!
TaDàààà E! :)
well after 2 months of hard training has lost as many as 800 grams.
which, considering his line is a nice goal.
to you is 800 grams are equal to our 4 / 5 kg.
ihihihihi XD I'm glad
is now more agile and responsive, but will continue with the diet .... and she still does not know!

Diet MIA

- 15 grams of dry food

11.00 am - 20 grams of dry food

- half tin of tuna Natural

16.00 pm
- 15 grams of dry food

- 10 grams of dry food

that that love my cute:)
I put a picture To make you see;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Replace Braun Shaver Battery

what makes nails strong and white?

I was returning from running, when at one point, I do not know why, I looked nails.
E 'is already a week without polish.
Sometimes I do, so I let them breathe a little. The
I searched pretty well and even if they were strong they were not so white!
So, back home, I soaked in lemon juice and milk.

But there are many other ways to make your nails strong and white to white as I like it.
So white that it seems with the French, although in reality the French there!
And let's see how.

Here are the secrets to have fairy hands:
  • Take at least 800 mg per day. If we consider that 50 grams of Parmesan cheese contains about 600 and 50 grams of mozzarella instead has about 500 ... Choose the age you. When you remove the enamel
  • dedicated to your hands a gentle massage with a scrub made of sugar and lemon juice.
  • least once a week to keep it to soak for 10 minutes, the nails in lemon juice and milk (quantity: 50 ml of milk and the juice of half a lemon).
  • Use Always wear gloves for housework. Hold too long in water, soak, nails, makes them too fragile and can be broken easily.
  • Immediately after removing nail polish with acetone, wash your hands, so as to remove those residues acids that damage the nail.
  • Always apply the foundation in strengthening the enamel of your choice. There are some very light when dry that you can not see their own and they dry in seconds.
As you can see it does not take much to keep their nails in shape. To devote some little attention, without necessarily spending money, you will have hands and nails immaculate.
And your nails however, as they are now? Look at them ...

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Lace Converse Double Upper Lo-tops


haven'ta WORDS .... BUT WE CAN WE PRAY FOR ALL THE Japanese people.
Dr.Bass & Dr.Bass jr.

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Dritte .. to be thin and attractive.

Whether you want to accept it or not, the only way to have an elegant bearing and proud is to have a correct posture.
E 'important, both aesthetically and medically.
the PC, at the table, on the couch in front of the TV, walking down the street.
Every moment of our day should see us right!
Good posture is also one of the many tricks to look taller and leaner. course, do not overdo it, otherwise more sophisticated equipment that only very ridiculous.
But I challenge you to a test.
If you happen to about enter a room full of people, cross with a straight back, her breasts up and shoulders back. You will find that you will attract many more looks than usual.
In addition you must keep in mind that knowing how to "manage" your body in this way is also equivalent to:
less back pain, premenstrual syndrome, lighter, more energy (less fatigued because the body), etc. ...
There are also courses to help you get back in line .
Yoga, Pilates, but also are good techniques to learn to stand upright.
E 'well advised, however, that this kind of courses does not make you too slim, certainly not as an aerobics class, but in return acquire a greater security of yourself .


Saturday, March 12, 2011

High Waisted Skirt Patterns

'' TROUT 2011 .''

Dr.Bass jr

03/04/2011 07:00 am Anticoli Corrado
high river about thirty fishermen encountered in all holes and white ... questions and answers from me like they cleaned everything ... and date back about twenty minutes and I decide to put a 5 veltic of unmodified and start to throw up .. I feel a scraping long enough to throw about 15 meters upstream of ... I feel light touches on the spoon ... .. the second run a few laps to pass the cross and correntone sbam ... a trout of 15 cm is considered exposed to attacks veltic .. while the winch is released just as well ... .. at least not suffered the trauma of human hands.
date back to the desert river bend ... bruises and scraping the mountain! I think I have the trout have shoulders ... and the facts that I am right !!!!!!!
3 launches 3-piece all about twenty-five cm. issue and continue to scrape back are now looking for a reason I made holes in the current return even take into account the river ... and in fact I wish the other three pieces all released it's almost 9:30 and I decide to go back ... I say all I scrape up the bridge of Anticoli is to reach 12 trout washed up and slam held only two obvious damage to the eye apparatus.
10:20 am departure for the return .....
barrel s.croix 7 '3 / 4
mule Daiwa Sol 3000
fins braid 10 lb fluorocarbon
30 cm 030 lbs 30
hook bait visible ....

& BEAR Dr.Bass jr
SHOW ....

Dr.Bass & D. Bass Jr.

Can I Buy Paracetamol In Japan?

Hair "and in the beginning was the light ..."

Today, my dear girls, will talk about hair removal pulsed light:)
Maybe some of you have ever heard, perhaps some not, but let's go step by step and try to understand what it's worth buy it.
Consider light of Philips (since it is one of the most purchased).

This allows you to make fun gadgets hair removal from home, without having to go to any center. From what is described on the web is easy to use. E 'painless and leaves no irritation to the skin.
But let's see how it works ...
The pulsed light is emitted as flashes of short duration, is transformed into heat energy that attracted to the melanin is absorbed atrophying causing the hair bulb and in a resting phase when the hair is growing. This is why the hair should be shaved before (only the first 2 / 3 times) and not because epilated removing the bulb will also remove the melanin which captures the beam.
You get a hair removal painless, progressive and long lasting. Over time, lengthen the time between treatments (initially every 4 weeks for the legs and 2 for other body parts), and, in some subjects, particularly prepared, you cancel the regrowth.
Not being a machine to "doctor" his work is much lighter, and can be used on all skin types and in any part of the body, including sensitive ones, such as armpits and groin. Lumea can be used on a wide range of complexions and hair colors. He
less effective, or no hair on light skin with light because they have very little presence of melanin.
On very dark skin (black or tan), namely those of type IV, can not be used because the presence of melanin is too high and the light would create light spots.
has five adjustable settings of light ensuring a gentle and painless treatment on different skin types.
is not suitable for men, but only for women!
And its price is around 500 €!
I honestly, I made an account ... and are almost certain to have far exceeded this figure with all the waxing done for 10 years now. The point would be another: to make sure it works. And this, as we well read, is subjective, from woman to woman.

considerations to you girls:) Buon Appetito


Friday, March 11, 2011

V For Vendetta Quotes Meaning

Glass Shine Top Coat of KISS

thank White for reporting about this wonderful product, a short text. The Glass Shine of KISS.
A clear coat, he takes on the texture of the glass, gives a spectacular finish. May be applied over a glaze, to extend shelf life or simply just to protect the nail from chipping and moisture.
Its price ranges from 4 to 7 €, but in either case is not excessive.
Now we just have to try it:) My girlfriend Bianca
probably try it before me, in that case I will let you know through you the functionality and the real usefulness of this product!

Good Day to All

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oral-b Fluorinse Reviews

ANXIETY: You can cure it?

Anxiety can not be fight, we can not stop or destroy. It is not to suppress was not to be ignored.
The only thing is to learn to live with it, endure it.

I suffered from depression for about 2 years and, although I have overcome that bad period, some trawling has not gone completely away. Now I
not take much to panic.
The queue at the post office, a busy subway, a boring evening, a fight, a bad thought. Just
very little ... and the sufferer knows.

Unfortunately there is no magic pill to make it disappear into thin air. The only
techniques are breathing, a camomile, the arms of our Love and a few drops of anti-anxiety drug.
's sad and very scary, especially for those who recently came the discovery of this incurable disease.
survey data show that at least 90% of the population has suffered at least once in his life, an anxiety attack (or panic).

But if you were to ask what to try, what do you do in those moments, and above all what makes you feel better ... what do you answer me?

I wish each of you talked about it. That would express their thoughts. It 'important to compare, to see that we are not alone in fighting this hell, that there are many people who suffer, and find a way every day to overcome it.

The first step is admitting you have this problem.
I've just admitted ... and you?

My advice on this? Obviously you will expect advice ... but I am not a doctor nor a psychiatrist. I can only say that when it happens just stay calm me in bed with my boyfriend ... and if he's not there, with my cat ... Squat to see a good film di Vincenzo Salemme. A chamomile, a laugh and a few cuddles.
This is my witness!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oral-b Fluorinse Canada Coupon

baked breaded shrimp * _ *

More than shrimp, you have to buy the prawns , the same family, but larger and tasty:) So take
your beautiful shrimp, rinse, peel the crust and place them on a plate to drain.
In another dish put an egg white, beat with a little salt and some pepper.
In a bowl, add 50 grams of flour to 100 grams of bread crumbs, a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper and a pinch of chili powder. Mix a bit with your fingers.
Now, one by one, take the shrimp and pass the first album and then in flour. Lay them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and put in the oven (preheated to 200 degrees) for 6 / 7 minutes.
Once removed from the oven place them in a plate and sprinkle with parsley)
Serve with a scoop of mayonnaise next * _ *

I've made today, I saw the recipe in an American program on Sky, there are very good and the council because they are lightweight and ideal for your diet!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dogs Dying Of Cluster Seizures

electric or manual toothbrush?


few years is a little drama of all.
Personally, when I saw those advertising, the question haunted me for at least 15 minutes.
"And if it were much higher?"
"I also advise dentists!"
"As we gain in health?"

and eventually I collapsed! I bought it.
Fifty euro and will pass the fear! -.- 'Oh
girls tell you it is great, I'm sorry, but .. really can not.
I'm going with my manual toothbrush to where I want to ... I can handle the pressure better and I'm where I need.
With this kind of vibrator hairy, except that I feel really ridiculous, but I do not feel completely end is clean. I often found myself directing it as a classic toothbrush, without considering the possibility that perhaps already his mechanical movement is what you need to do!

Now is there, in the bathroom. Retired in the last 2 days.
A little sorry, I spent 50 € to try it (I took Braun, one of the best), but I really do not find us. I get the impression that, rather than pulirteli, the teeth you massage them, or even tickles.

In any case ... what for me is not that it be for you.
You must try it to believe it, but if you love the perfect smile and, above all, a nice clean mouth, continue to Brush your teeth with your hands.
And then you know ... crafts, as hard it may be, will never be overtaken by technology, as to perfection;)


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Daughter Wants A Brazilian

Diet Group - Conclusion ^ _ ^ Group

Today it's up to you guys ....
Shoot your result:)

.. and email address in pvt send me your measurements so the comparison with those of departure!
A kiss

Friday, March 4, 2011

Swollen Ankles Lack Of Sleep

Diet - The End!

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.

(premise: I apologize for the lack of yesterday and today, but I've had tendinitis in his right wrist and the mouse was my number one enemy!)

Anyway ... we did it!
DIET AND 'OVER and tomorrow we finally peseremo all.

So, please, tomorrow morning, just woke up and after going to the toilet, weigh yourself and Compete.
I expect big things:)
We are strong!

ps for those who wish to continue with a detailed and personalized diet contact me at . We'll have to answer a questionnaire of questions designed to suggest the perfect diet!
A kiss and tomorrow! ^ _ ^ Ale

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Light Blue And Light Yellow Rooms

Diet Group - Tenth and last day! Small

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.

First CONGRATULATIONS! Because if you have arrived here by following the step by step diet means that you really care about your body.
Unfortunately, through a small sondaggino, I discovered that some of you have given up, and that is why I'm so sorry. But everyone is free to make their own choices.
back to us, this tenth day will be a test for me and for you.
for me because I want to see if they are able to teach anything about nutrition.
For you because I'm just curious to see, your choice, what will you do!

In other words I will not give it to you on the tenth day, but the opposite. The
will give you to me ... and so private!

I want you to build on the last day of the diet, with classic five meals (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner) and send it to me

So what are you waiting for? Su ... to work! :) A hug


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yasmin And Breast Growth

dedicated to all of you!

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

girls will dedicate this VIDEO!

Best Victoria's Secret Bra For Small Boobs

Group Diet - Day Nine!

.-.-.--.-.--.--.- .--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.--.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-- .-.--. Mamma mia

that tired! I just got back from running and are exhausted. Today I did more than necessary, but this, as well as tired, I feel so satisfied!
And tomorrow you reply:) I'm eating a

Activia yogurt (hazelnut new ones) and is very good, I did not think O_o cmq recommend it ... seems to eat a sweet, rather than a yogurt. As soon as I finish the diet and then bought them in there I put chocolate chips and two tablespoons of cereal * _ * ehehehehe course for breakfast (the only meal where you can be overdriven without too much guilt!).

Oh well ... I will shoot the 9th day tomorrow and I refer you to the last (yhuppy) ^ _ ^ hoping that this diet you're responding both physically and .... of palate!
A big kiss girls!

DIET ADVICE (read carefully) : I will give two options for each meal, so choose one you like best - you have to drink about a liter and a half of water per day, preferably something more than less - just fill in the fridge cucumbers, carrots and fennel are the only food that will save you from hunger between meals and other things - like your seasonings, but remember that eating is good for the movement little seasoned, blood, heart - remember to apply moisturizer every day - remember to walk briskly at least 45 minutes a day - followed a very time - follow the diet correctly Only in this way you will see results .

Thursday, March 3, 2010

(from 7am to 9am)
Breakfast : Coffee + 2 slices toast with jam
Breakfast: 150 ml milk + 50 g of cereals (wholemeal biscuits or 3)

(from 10 am to 12)
Snack: a kiwi fruit yoghurt + 1
Snack: a apple + 3 plums

(starting at 13 at 15)
Lunch: 80 grams of spaghetti to taste
Lunch: a sandwich (60 grams) + 50 grams of cooked ham

(from 16 to 19 hours)
Snack: a kiwi fruit yoghurt + 1
Snack: an apple, plum

+ 3 (20 pm at 22)
Dinner: broccoli + sausage stews
Dinner: 1 boiled egg + 3 + 50 g of carrots boiled ham Raw

Before going to bed purifying tea

REMEMBER: If between-meal hunger and the other is there my advice is to resist, but if your hunger is more physically and mentally then treat yourself to just cucumbers , fennel and carrots!

Nono Good Day:) Alessia

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Solution To Level 41 Of Electric Box 2.5

Group Diet - Day Eight!

We're almost at the end of girls, there are only 3 days.
Unfortunately, the next, and that the eighth will be a little difficult, the most difficult of all, but I'm sure you will succeed tomorrow! :) How
warnings on the diet you just remember: the application of moisturizing cream all over his body, the cups of water to drink and walk at a steady pace of 45/60 minutes (or if you prefer, a nice jog).

Well tomorrow NOTHING SOLID .
You can change your diet, and then only on liquid food smoothies (even if it is fruit or vegetables), but for anything you put in boca something to chew!

I know it seems almost absurd, but it is part of the program. Do not forget that this diet has worked with me .. and still works as I lost almost 2 kg in 7 days.

Well, having said that ... I inform you that you have choice between:
  • juices
  • yogurt
  • herbal tea
  • milk shakes, fruit drinks
  • milkshakes
  • barley
  • infusions
  • vegetable soups
So girls do not have to bite anything. You can vary on everything you want and I'll tell you more ... on this day so hard you will be entitled to a hot chocolate!
(I recommend just one, that you are not crafty more!) Date

the best of yourself a little bit more:) See you tomorrow


Herpes On Lower Stomach

I'm more into the skin!

No, no, I will talk about the different types of skin:) I just wanted to share with
you a wonderful thing that I just happened!

I was on facebook, a few minutes ago that I wandered through old photo albums. When a bill to appropriate album in May 2007 - during a trip to Pompeii with my whole party.
That morning we boarded the train in 13 people and me and two other friends touched sit in a compartment with 4 beds already occupied by a boy! So I put it near the window I had to face to all is up to Pompeii.
It so happened that Michael, hanging out on the train to photograph them all, photographer Mario, one of my friends who had had to sit next to this guy.
And here's the shock!
good seeing the photo, it appears clearly even this guy, I discovered that my current boyfriend was ! Ahahahahaha, but you think there four years ago I was sitting on the train, facing the future of my great love?? :)
This thing is spectacular ... given that we've been together just over 6 months!

I'm excited, euphoric ^ _ ^ I would like to tell the whole world!
If Michael had never done that picture with Mario (who does not like be photographed) us we would not have ever known!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kates Playground Free Vidoes


SHARE ....... LOOK ...... E. ... RESULTS!
DERO'' ET ''
'' The MasterFish '' 
''''The Enigma
''L ' ENIGMA''
''''The Enigma
Post devoted as usual to the Friends.
Dr.Bass & Dr.Bass Jr.